Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Bad Eating

Have not done well with my nutrition. I am seem to be eating the right things and the wrong things. I failed at the no candy pledge.

My foot is feeling better and I am going to hit the gym in the a.m. for a short run and some elliptical. I have done yoga two days in a row. I am tired due to working 11 hours monday and today. Need an early morning wake up after a good sleep. Now its time for tea...

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Over Did It

I woke up at 4a.m. this morning and heard the rain, I don't even think I opened my eyes to see it. So I went back to sleep till 7. I got up and saw it wasn't too bad and was out of the house by 8 a.m. I ran to Burnet and followed it too campus and then took Lavaca downtown. Around the Dog and Duck I could feel a hot spot on my right foot, so I stopped and put my bandaids on the hotspots, before I left I had put some bandaids and neosporin on last weeks blister. I continued onto to 6th and then went up too Congress. I was taking in alot of fluids and using the restroom about every hour or hour and half. I ran Congress to Ben White, and then turned around. I rarely took walk breaks up to this point and felt great. It was raining much of the time, not too hard but enough for me too notice. I stayed out of the puddles and kept my feet dry. I stopped at a CVS on Congress and bought some New Skin and bandaids. I applied the New Skin and bandaids and changed my socks. I cruised down Congress past the Capitol. I ran through U.T. and went back by way of the Drag. I was eating gels and blocks and taking in Nuun tabs with water. Things were going great. I went up to Burnet at Koening and kept running from there. Around the Mazda dealership I started to have problems. My feet and legs were killing me. So I was reduced to a walk. I basically had to walk the whole way home, it took me about an hour and half which should have taken me 45 minutes. I got home and my wife had already bought the ice for me. So I layed the big bag of ice on my legs while I ate some lentils and rice. Then I got into the tub and had a ice bath. It was great. Still having trouble with the top of my foot and wearing real shoes hurts so I am wearing slip on shoes. I am walking pretty good not too stiff but can still feel my foot. The coming week is a rest week I realized today so I am going to take it easy do some short runs and next weekends runs will be definitely shorter.

I am not sure how good of an idea it was too run 6:15 minutes. I didn't run the day before so I figured I could handle it but I definitely know I didn't take enough walk breaks so I will have to work on that. I was happy with my fluid consumption, I probably needed to eat more but I never really felt hungry.

Goals: Yoga Monday, Short Run Tuesday with core, Wednesday go for a walk, Thursday short run and core. No candy Monday and Tuesday!!!

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Running Quest and Goals

Since August of this year I have begun a journery to run 50 miles on Feb. 3rd my 30th birthday. My future goal is to run 100 miles next October and to partcipate in a number of Ultra events around the Texas area. My hope is to one day be competitive as a amateur ultra running. I am hoping this blog will keep me mindful of consistent training and nutrition.

My schedule for running consist of Tuesday run about an 1:15 minutes and Thursday about an 1:15 minutes and then Saturday run long (today should have been 2 hours and 45 minutes but it rained all day) and Sunday run longer (tomorrow should be 4:45 but with today a no run day I am thinking of going really long like 7 hours).

Things I need to work on: better daily nutrition (no candy!!!) and more weight lifting and core work.

Goals for this week: Yoga on Monday, no candy on Monday and Tuesday, add short run on Wednesday.